Episode 32 - The Gospel and Orphan Care - Part 1
Eddie and Allen are glad to have a special guest this week, Kole Farney. Kole and his wife Rachel live in Kansas City, Missouri. He is an elder with Christ Fellowship of Kansas City and an assistant with Christian Communicators Worldwide (www.ccwtoday.org). Eddie and Allen have gotten to know Kole over the last few years and have been blessed by his teaching ministry and his friendship. On this episode, Kole talks a little about his life and ministry and theological foundation for caring for orphans. Follow him on Twitter: @kolefarney
Here is Kole's breakout session from The Gospel at Home Conference: http://www.perryvillesbc.org/current-events/sermons/?sermon_id=235
Here is Kole's breakout session from The Gospel at Home Conference: http://www.perryvillesbc.org/current-events/sermons/?sermon_id=235
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